

Commit. Sweat. Improve.

T’s & C’s,
Coached Group Programs

You’ve always wanted to run but you’ve never quite known where to begin. This is where I come in.

Thank you for considering joining one of our programs!

Given the physical participation of coaches and participants, there has always been a risk of injury with this program. Please be sure to check-in with your doctor should there be anything worrying you regarding your overall health, heart rate, joints, and so on.

Covid-19 Regulations:

  • Should you experience any Covid-19 symptoms you should not attend the Running for Cake runs

Terms and Conditions for joining the course:

  • Running for Cake takes no responsibility for participants not being able to complete the course.
  • Should you endure an injury during the time of the course, Running for Cake will not be held responsible and a refund will not be provided. Should you wish to continue the program at a later stage then Running for Cake will gladly provide you with access to the program for you to complete yourself, but not with a Coach or a group program.
  • The coached programs have set timelines that are non-negotiable.
  • Should you wish to switch between the Bryanston programs, you may, however you should keep your coaches informed.
  • In the event of a lockdown taking place in South Africa, participants will not be refunded their fees. After the lockdown has lifted, participants will be provided with the amount of time covered in the program to bring themselves back up to this fitness level, after the number of weeks, the program will commence with the coaches.
  • By signing up to the program, you hereby grant permission to Running for [Cake] to provide your contact information to the coaches, as this information will be required when setting up WhatsApp groups used to communicate information pertaining to the course.

Indemnity and Waiver participants will sign on the date of commencing the course:

By participating in Michelle Sarah Kahn’s (Running for Cake)’s couch to 5km program (‘the event’) I undertake to listen to her advice based on her experience and training as a runner. I warrant that I am in good health and aware of the risks and dangers of the physical nature of this event and do not claim ignorance of these risks and dangers. I hereby accept that I willingly participate in the event entirely at my own risk and I release and discharge, to the fullest extent allowed in law, the organizer(s) (not limited to Michelle Sarah Kahn) of the event, all sponsors, persons and organizations assisting in the event from any responsibility, liability or costs relating to any injury, loss or damage of whatever nature, however caused, arising directly or indirectly from my participation in the event including pre and post-run activities. I further agree and warrant that if at any time I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will immediately notify the organizer(s) and discontinue further participation in the event.

I hereby authorise the organizer(s) to capture my personal details for the purpose of participating in the program. Personal details have been shared with the coaches for communication pertaining to the program. The organizer(s) will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of these services, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and/or consequential damages. By providing your personal information you consent to this information being stored for the purposes of your participation in the event. Should you wish this information to be no longer stored you may advise the organizer(s) and your information will immediately be permanently deleted. Your information will be processed and stored by the organizer(s) in compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 “POPI ACT”. 

In addition, I acknowledge and consent to any photographs, video or images in which I am present and visible to be used, shared and published in Running for [Cake] advertisements, marketing material or publications on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, the Running for [Cake] website or any other form of social media.



Copyright by Running for Cake 2020. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Running for Cake 2020. All rights reserved.

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